Human trafficking 'in our own backyard' AFP warns

Human trafficking is happening in "our own backyard", the Australian Federal Police have warned.

On the World Day Against Trafficking In Persons, the AFP sent out a call for Australians to "listen and learn" from the victims of modern slavery.

In a Victim Impact Statement provided to the court following the conviction of a Sydney man in March of this year, a victim of exit trafficking told of the severe impact on her life and her young daughter.

Human trafficking Operation Eastwater

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"Because of his actions, I live in constant fear and stress knowing the lengths he will go to find us and harm us. This fear and stress impacts my physical, emotional and mental health," she said.

"Because of his actions and threats, I am constantly worried about my daughter. I worry about this every day.

"I am always thinking about how to keep my daughter safe. This is very stressful for me.

"Ordinary things like going out to the shops or to the park has become more difficult because I fear for our safety."

Human trafficking Operation Eastwater

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AFP Assistant Commissioner Northern Command Lesa Gale said human trafficking was happening here in Australia.

"Human trafficking, debt bondage, servitude and other forms of exploitation and slavery are not a thing of the past that only happen on the TV, it happens right here in our own backyard, often in plain sight," she said.

"People subjected to human trafficking and slavery like offences suffer the most heinous treatment including; physical, psychological and sexual assaults, deprivation of food, money and breaches of basic human rights and freedoms."

Since the 2014 criminalisation of human trafficking, 30 people have been convicted in Australia.

Human trafficking Operation Eastwater

Earlier this month, a 53-year-old woman and a 57-year-old man received jail sentences after being convicted of keeping a woman in forced labour at their Mount Waverley home in Melbourne for nearly nine years.

The court heard the couple kept the Indian women in squalid conditions where she was forced to cook, clean, and care for the couple's children over an eight-year period before she collapsed and was taken to hospital, weighing just 40kg.

In June, a 39-year-old woman and a 47-year-old man were sentenced to imprisonment for slavery like offences after keeping a woman in forced labour at their Sydney home and business over three years.

Human trafficking Operation Eastwater

In the 2020-21 financial year, the AFP received 224 reports of modern slavery, including:

  • 79 reports of forced marriage
  • 42 reports of sexual servitude and exploitation
  • 35 reports of forced labour
  • 28 reports of trafficking in persons
  • 15 reports of domestic servitude
  • Two reports of deceptive recruiting
  • 12 reports of trafficking in children
  • Four reports of debt bondage
  • Six reports of slavery

The AFP said all people had an important role to play in spotting indications of modern slavery and human trafficking.

Indicators include somebody appearing to be under the control of someone else and reluctant to interact with others; not having access to personal identification; appearing frightened, withdrawn, or showing signs of physical or psychological abuse; and being dropped off and collected for work always in the same way, especially at unusual times.

Anybody who suspects that they or another person is experiencing or at risk of modern slavery or human trafficking, should call 131 237.

They can also use the AFP's confidential online form.

Anybody who is in immediate danger should contact Triple Zero.

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Human trafficking 'in our own backyard' AFP warns
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