Boy finds giant backyard worm that his mum calls 'the stuff of nightmares'

It's not unusual for a Kiwi kid to find a worm in the backyard.

But Barnaby Domigan was delighted to discover the biggest worm his family had ever seen.

Barnaby, aged nine, was playing with his younger siblings after school when he found the giant earthworm by a stream at the bottom of the family's garden in Burnside, Christchurch.

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Barnaby Domigan with the giant worm he found in his backyard.

"I grabbed it with a stick. I thought wow, what an amazing discovery. I thought it was a worm, but I had no idea what it really was."

His mum, Jo, estimated the creature was about a metre long.

"It was ginormous. He was most impressed with himself."

Jo said while she considered the worm "the stuff of nightmares", Barnaby was delighted.

"What a find, he thought it was wonderful."

Barnaby, who said he likes learning about "weird animals", described the worm as feeling cold and squishy.

"I thought it was massive, and amazing, and a little bit disgusting," he said.

After dad Chris took Barnaby's photo with the worm, they put it back into the garden, although they were not sure whether it was alive or dead.

John Marris, curator of the University of Lincoln's entomology research collection, said while the worm looked in the photo "a bit like the creature from the black lagoon", it appeared to be a species of native earthworm.

Marris said giant earthworms were once widespread, but were now most likely to be found in undisturbed areas such as forests. It was rare to find them in a domestic garden, he said.

"There are some very large native earthworms known – a metre isn't beyond the borders of reason."

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Marris said with 171 native earthworm species, a close examination would be needed to exactly identify an individual specimen.

According to Te Ara encyclopedia, several New Zealand native species can be over 30cm long, and the longest, Spenceriella gigantea, can grow to 1.3m in length.

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Boy finds giant backyard worm that his mum calls 'the stuff of nightmares'
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