Boy's lucky escape from shark after it leaped out of the water to attack

An eight-year-old boy who was attacked by a shark on a recent fishing trip says it won't stop him getting back in the water.

Manni Alam was out fishing with his father Radwan Alam and family friend Moe Alsayed at Lady Musgrave Island in the Great Barrier Reef when the attack took place.

Manni had snared a coral trout that he wanted to show for TikTok, so he went in the water to take a shot with the fish, when a shark lunged out of the water and bit him on the chest.

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"It just felt like a little bit, it hurt a little bit on the chest but that's it," he said.

The shark quickly let go and "disappeared", leaving Manni with nothing more than a scratch.

"Anyone that's dived, knows that it's a very common thing when you're diving," dad Radwan said.

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"Sharks are a very, very common occurrence."

But the prospect of another encounter hasn't put Manni off his hobby.

"I'm going back in," he said.

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Boy's lucky escape from shark after it leaped out of the water to attack
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