Hundreds of pets being put down every day as surrenders surge

There are 264 healthy dogs and cats killed every day on average across Australia, but animal welfare experts say this is preventable.

Normally animals that can be rehomed, meaning they are healthy and friendly, should not be euthanised.

But pets are being surrendered in record numbers as issues like the rising cost of living and the rental crisis impact the ability of Aussies to care for them.

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Pet adoption rates plummet as surrender rates rise

Craig Montgomery from Animal Welfare League Queensland (AWLQ) said pet owners are struggling to find affordable, animal-friendly accommodation, which is driving up the surrender rate.

Adoption rates have also plummeted after a lockdown peak when people were seeking companions to get them through the loneliness of isolation.

"Rental vacancies have reached critical levels across Australia and significantly impacted pet owners," Montgomery told

"These are mainly a result of people's weekly rent being drastically increased to the point where they can no longer afford to keep their much-loved pets."

Last year, 94,828 animals were handed over to the RSPCA.

That comprised of 19,221 dogs and 35,571 cats, along with rabbits, guinea pigs and various livestock.

The total number of animals surrendered to Australian shelters is estimated to be over 200,000 annually, according to

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Tickles is a Domestic Short hair and is available to adopt from the AWFQ Gold Coast's rehoming centre

Just this week, a shelter in NSW that can no longer take in any more animals had 11 great danes brought in, the fourth litter from the same property in 10 months.

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With such low adoption rates, animals are facing euthanasia or prolonged stays in overloaded animal shelters, which causes them "a lot of distress", Mongomery said.

Shelters should be a "temporary stop in their journey" and while they do their best to provide a happy environment, Montgomery said the main goal is to find them a forever home and a loving family.

"Cats suffer from physical illness if they stay in shelters for too long, dogs suffer much worse mentally," he said.

"When you adopt, you save an animal's life but you also create another space for an animal to come into care, so really you are saving two lives."

Adoption is on average four times cheaper than buying from a breeder. It's also safer as illegal puppy farms are known to abandon litters and neglect animals. 

Montgomery has a message for the people spending thousands of dollars on designer dogs: "Check local shelters first, save a life instead".

Gemma the Blue Healer was on death row after giving birth to a litter and being dumped at a Dubbo vet.

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The dog spent the first three years of her life locked inside a concrete enclosure after being used for breeding.

Gemma was rescued by Australian Working Dog Rescue and that's how she met the woman who would give her a second chance.

Deirdre Bowie, from Bankstown, in Sydney's southwest, was looking for a companion after her husband died.

She saw Gemma on the shelter's website and fell in love.

The pair have overcome the trauma from Gemma's previous life, with the Blue Healer even struggling with simple things like walking on grass. 

"I took her for a walk in the bush and she couldn't cope... she would just freeze up," Bowie told

"Now, she runs through the bush, runs up and down on walks - she's so much more confident."

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Gemma was saved from a kill pound

They've been a family for two years now and Bowie said the "cuddly" dog brings love and laughter into her life.

"It's just me and Gemma, she makes a great companion," she said.

How can I adopt a pet? 

There are local animal shelters like the AWLQ in every state and territory across Australia, which have managed to rehome 92 per cent of the 11,740 animals given to them in last year.

The RSPCA also has a search-by-state option, where families can find animals in their state available for adoption. 

Rory is available to adopt from the Australian Working Dog Rescue in Victoria

Those looking to add a furry member to the family are warned to ensure they are up for the challenge, as failed adoptions are also a factor in pets being returned to shelters.

"Dogs are a lot of work, you need to train them, you need to set boundaries and you have to know how to do that," Bowie said.

"They aren't just fluffy companions, they are sentient beings."

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Hundreds of pets being put down every day as surrenders surge
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