On quiet one-acre plot, army of toxic ticks 'torture' Sydney grandad

Exclusive: Howard Gorrell's Sydney property is so heavily infested with ticks that a doctor urged him to sell up and move.

Gorrell said he gets viciously attacked and bitten, sometimes by up to 100 ticks at a time, whenever he goes outside to enjoy his tree-lined, one-acre plot in Glenhaven, which is located in The Hills District.

The 76-year-old grandfather said the attacks have ramped up since massive rains smashed Sydney in late summer last year, combined with changes to local bylaws which have made it more difficult to burn mulch, an environment where ticks can prosper.

Howard Gorrell said he is bitten by dozens of ticks whenever he ventures outside.

Adding to his frustration and discomfort, Gorrell said many GPs and hospital doctors have misdiagnosed the severe reactions that parasite bites trigger in him, and that many medical practitioners do not properly understand the problem.

Gorrell said he can be struck with body aches and bouts of dizziness, and even suffers heart palpitations which have concerned his cardiologist.

"It's terrible," the retired automotive salesman told 9news.com.au, describing the intense, uncontrollable itching and large red patches that break out on his body after the ticks inject potent neuro-toxins into his bloodstream.

"They (the ticks) could be used for torture treatment."

Ranging in size from a tiny dot to the head of a match, Gorrell said he often doesn't know there's a tick on his body, inserting sharp barbs into his skin to feed on blood, until it's too late.

"It normally takes a couple of days before you realise," he said.

"They're just a little black speck, like a full-stop from a pen.

"And if you don't realise what they are, you start scratching them and then the itch sets in and usually lasts a couple of weeks, even if you get rid of them.

"It's just unbelievable. It drives you crazy."

Have you been affected by tick bites? Email msaunokonoko@nine.com.au

Gorrell has repeatedly sought professional medical help for his symptoms, but said most doctors "scratch their heads and tell you they don't know what to do about it."

One doctor refused to accept he had been bitten by ticks, he said, telling Gorrell that his red patches were just a bad case of eczema.

Gorrell replied by telling the doctor he was wrong, because he'd earlier scratched off a bunch of little black dots and had looked at them with a handheld magnifying glass.

"You could see they're little creatures with legs, so they were definitely ticks."

At his last GP visit, Gorrell said his doctor had looked over the blotches on his body, shrugged her shoulders and suggested he sell his home of 28 years and "move house".

Chemist Dr Mualla McManus described the effects of tick bites as a "complex" area of medicine which she claimed is largely misunderstood by many doctors.

McManus' husband Karl died in 2010, three years after he was bitten by a tick that she believed had carried Lyme disease.

'How do you diagnose something like that?'

Howard Gorrell breaks out with strange rashes and suffers a range of other unusual symptoms from tick venom.A view of garden in The Hills District, Sydney known for ticks

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Australian health official have long insisted ticks in Australia do not carry Lyme disease.

But McManus said tests conducted at clinics in the US and Germany both showed her husband was positive for the disease.

"The most fundamental thing people forget about ticks is that it all depends on which animal they've been feeding on before you," she told 9news.com.au.

"This is how complex this can be.

"Each tick, there's so much variability, what (disease) they deliver depends on which animal they bit, and then what sort of pathogens or bugs or infections they carry."

McManus said that bacteria and organisms carried by kangaroos or bandicoots or birds can be transmitted from animals to humans through ticks.

"The problem with the diagnosing is that we don't know the bug (transmitted by the tick), so we don't know what to expect, what are the clinical symptoms.

"So how do you diagnose something like that?"

Dr Peter Irwin, a veterinary scientist and parasitologist, is leading Western Australia's Murdoch University's research into tick-borne diseases, specifically why and how ticks make people unwell in Australia.

Thousands of people, like Gorrell, suffer from fatigue, arthritis, chronic pain, headaches and psychological symptoms following a tick bite.

Irwin's team is close to releasing a long-awaited longitudinal study which examines the effects of tick bites on humans over a period of years.

Like McManus, Irwin agreed "that there's a very poor understanding of what may or may not happen after a tick bite in Australia".

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As ticks are very small and their bites do not usually hurt, ticks can easily be overlooked on the body.A view of garden in Sydney known for ticks

Irwin said, compared to the US and Europe, there was "relatively little science and evidence" about the kind of diseases being carried by the 70 types of ticks in Australia.

"There are a few, literally a handful, in fact a small handful, of known tick-borne diseases in Australia," he said.

Rickettsial infections, where people suffer a range of symptoms including fever, headache, muscle aches, swollen lymph glands, coughs and rashes, was one such disease circulating in Australian ticks, he said.

On Lyme disease, Irwin said "there just simply isn't any evidence for that bacteria existing here".

Garden in The Hills, SydneyAbout the size of a rabbit, bandicoots can be riddled with ticks and carry them as they move around.

'Perfect conditions for ticks'

Gorrell's property falls inside known Sydney tick hotspots the Northern Beaches, Upper North Shore and Hills Districts, but he said the attacks had got worse over the past year.

Female ticks lay thousands of eggs during spring, and die shortly after.

"The last year in Sydney has been perfect conditions for ticks" Aaron Wagner, a Sydney-based specialist in killing the parasites, told 9news.com.au.

Wagner's company TickSafe has been fighting infestations on properties for the past decade, and he said there had been an explosion in tick numbers in 2022.

"Ticks need moisture to survive," he said, and last year's record rainfall in Sydney helped ticks to "breed unabated".

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An increase in callouts to The Hills District indicated further spread from entrenched hot spots, the Northern Beaches and Upper North Shore, Wagner said.

He theorised that culling of fox populations in Sydney over the past 10 years had allowed bandicoot and brush turkey numbers to rise and wander freely, carrying ticks with them.

"It's definitely a case of animals taking the ticks further afield than where they were traditionally," he said.

"A small marsupial like the bandicoot can be absolutely covered in ticks but be unaffected by them."

Have you been affected by tick bites? Email msaunokonoko@nine.com.au

What to do if you have been bitten?

To safely manage a tick bite, the Department of Health says people should not disturb the tick, from the time it is found attached to the skin.

Leave the tick in place without disturbing it and seek urgent medical assistance to safely remove the tick.

Do not delay. A delay may increase the risk of contracting a tick-borne illness.

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On quiet one-acre plot, army of toxic ticks 'torture' Sydney grandad
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