'My life will be in danger moment I step off plane'

A family who has lived in Australia for almost a decade but faces being sent home after their visas were refused says they fear for their lives if they are deported.

Mohon Mia, 43, fled Bangladesh in 2014 with his family after somebody tried to kidnap his wife Munia Chisty Mia, 34, and daughter Marvina.

Mia was once involved with the nation's major opposition party, which he says has made him a target, with the family also receiving death threats.

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A family who have lived in Australia for almost ten years but face being sent home after their visas were refused say they fear for their lives if they are deported.Mohon Mia, 43m said he fled Bangladesh in 2014 with his family after somebody tried to kidnap wife Munia Chisty Mia, 34, and daughter Marvina and he was issued death threats.

He said he feels "safe and secure" in Australia - where the family has had two more children - but fears he'll be targeted if he returns home.

"My life will be in danger the moment I step foot in Bangladesh. I just cannot risk that for my family," Mia said.

Death threats after student past emerged

Mia said his involvement with the Bangladesh National Party (BNP) as a student led to him having to flee.

Threats began after he met a leader of the opposing Awami League, which has been in power for years, in 2011 at a university alumni event.

Even though he wasn't involved in politics anymore, he said not only were multiple threatening phone calls and death threats made to him in the next few years, somebody bribed his driver to kidnap his family.

Thankfully, they only succeeded in stealing his car.

After the nation's 2014 election, which saw more than 20 killed in protests and polling stations set on fire, he feared for their safety so much the family left Dhaka for Australia.

He said he gave up a good job at a non-profit organisation to start again.

Voters wait in a queue outside a polling centre in Srinagar, Munshiganj district, Bangladesh, during village council elections in 2021 which was boycotted by the BNP.

Fresh start in Australia

The family arrived in Perth by plane on tourist visas in 2014 and lodged applications for protection visas.

People who face "well-founded fear of persecution" in their home country may be eligible for a protection visa, Home Affairs says.

"It was a relief to feel that we were not persecuted here and we could be just like any other normal family," Mia said.

However, their visas were refused in 2015.

Years of appeals, via both the Federal Court Circuit and various immigration ministers, have failed to overturn the decision.

Mia said he was told there wasn't enough evidence to grant them visas, which are earmarked for refugees.

He said they've spent around $40,000 on legal help.

Since arriving in Australia the couple have had more children: Arash, five, and Noah, 15 months, while Marvina is now 15.

They say they've always worked while living here, with Mia currently a payroll and bookkeeping officer and his wife a carer.

The family, who are involved with their local church in Perth's south-west, say they just want to stay.

Mia has now applied for ministerial intervention for the third time, this time writing to Immigration Minister Andrew Giles.

If that fails again, the family faces being forced to leave within weeks.

They have also applied for a protection visa for son Arash, which could also allow the family to stay if granted, but it hasn't been processed yet.

Country in turmoil

Human Rights Watch has raised concerns about political violence in Bangladesh, including the killing of BNP activists.

It has accused Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's government of "extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, arbitrary arrests, and torture allegedly to maintain power".

It also warned of increasing attacks against political opposition members and concerns about violence and repression ahead of elections this year.

Bangladesh National Party (BNP) supporters shout slogans during a rally in Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2022.

Mia says he has discovered his police records in Bangladesh list a conviction for protesting the government at a time he says he wasn't even in the country, which he says is further evidence he is in danger.

"The present government is still in power - nothing has changed," he said.

"The Awami League is effectively creating a one-party state in Bangladesh and have been in power since 2008.

"Since I fled Bangladesh in March 2014, there was another general election in December 2018 that was just as violent.

"BNP supporters and political leaders are being suppressed.

"I fear harm, including physical assault and death at the hands of the members of the Awami League."

Australia has tightened refugee rules

Experts say Australia has made it increasingly hard over the past decade to be recognised as a refugee and be granted a protection visa.

Sarah Dale, centre director and principal solicitor of the Refugee Advice and Casework Service, said immigration ministers very rarely intervene, with the Biloela family one of the few actually allowed to stay after massive media attention.

"What stories like this highlight is the Biloela family was so compelling but there are countless other families that also need that consideration and I would compel the government to also consider other cases," Dale told 9news.com.au.

"Australia needs to return to the principles established under international law in who is a refugee and who Australia needs to protect."

Giles recently met the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, at Parliament House.

Giles said at the time on social media the government "is committed to doing its part to build a stronger global protection and resettlement framework for displaced people".

His office did not respond to questions for comment.

While a Home Affairs spokesman said it doesn't comment on individual cases, he said ministers can intervene if they "think it is in the public interest".

"All visa applicants must meet, and continue to meet, the requirements set out in the Migration Act 1958 and the Migration Regulations 1994, including identity, health, character and security requirements," he said.

"Individuals whose requests for ministerial intervention have been unsuccessful and who have no ongoing immigration matters (are) expected to depart Australia."

Do you have a story? Contact journalist Sarah Swain: sswain@nine.com.au

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