Still 'unknowns' in Clare Nowland's Taser death, says lawyer

After it emerged that the estate of late grandmother Clare Nowland was suing the NSW government, her attorney has warned the public it's "important to keep an open mind" while investigations into her death are ongoing.

Nowland's lawyer Sam Tierney said as family continue to grieve the 95-year-old's death, which came as a result of her injuries after she was allegedly Tasered by a NSW Police officer, people should remember we don't yet "know the full circumstances".

"I was asked by the family to talk about the claim that was brought while Clare was still alive and being conducted on behalf of her estate," Tierney said on Today.

READ MORE: New details about moments leading up to great-grandmother's alleged Tasering

Clare Nowland, 95, passed away after she was tasered by a police officer.

"At the moment, the proceedings have been adjourned for a short period of time until August and the civil proceedings will run their course."

Tierney sought to clarify that it was "not Nowland's family pursuing the government" but rather "Clare and her estate" acting on the legal rights that she had while alive.

"The proceedings were filed to protect Clare's legal rights in circumstances where in that point in time she was still alive, it has to be borne in mind that this is not the family pursing the government," he said.

"I think it's very important as well that people and the public keep in mind that we still don't know the full circumstances of what happened in this tragic incident.

"There's been a lot of reporting of various matters that, you know, may or may not come to pass as being accurate.

READ MORE: 'Who runs the court?': Magistrate blasts police officer accused of Tasering 95-year-old Clare Nowland for not appearing in court

"We're still looking into those matters.

"I think it's very important that the public also keeps in mind, from the family's point of view, that these tragic circumstances are still being investigated."

While Tierney said that he appreciates that "the public want answers", he said "it's very important" that the people keep in mind that "a family has lost a beloved grandmother, mother and in some circumstances great-grandmother".

"While the family certainly appreciates the support, they are going through a grieving process independent of all these court proceedings," he said.

"I think it's fair to say that, certainly all of us who have been through the unfortunate circumstance of losing a grandparent, are well aware of the grief that goes with that and I certainly believe the family is going through that process.

"But I don't think anyone would have faced a situation as unique as this in terms of losing a grandparent."

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Still 'unknowns' in Clare Nowland's Taser death, says lawyer
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