Warnings of 'high-dose' ecstasy pill circulating in NSW

A new kind of high-dose ecstasy pill has been found circulating in New South Wales, containing more than four times the average dose of MDMA found in other contraband tablets.

The pill is pink-orange in colour and square-shaped, with a Gucci logo and wording imprinted, NSW Health said.

NSW Poisons Information Centre medical director Dr Darren Roberts said high-dose MDMA consumption had caused illness and death in NSW.

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Gucci ecstasy

"It can cause severe agitation, raised body temperature, seizures or fits, irregular heart rhythm and death," Roberts said.

"The health risks from MDMA are greatly increased if high amounts, including multiple doses, are consumed over a short period. Other risks include taking MDMA in combination with other stimulants, such as amphetamines or cocaine."

Roberts also issued a warning to people heading to music festivals this week in NSW, saying hot weather could also increase harm risk.

"Taking a break from dancing, seeking shade, and drinking water are important measures to reduce the risk of overheating at festivals," he said.

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"It is very important to remember the amount of MDMA in a tablet or capsule can vary a lot, even within the same batch.

"If you or a friend have taken drugs, please watch out for each other and know the warning signs that you need help. If you or a friend feel unwell, you won't get into trouble for seeking medical care. Please seek help immediately."

Event staff and volunteer teams will be on standby at festivals to help people suffering ill-effects.

For information about the potential adverse effects of MDMA, please contact the NSW Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26. If you are suffering a medical emergency contact triple zero.

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Warnings of 'high-dose' ecstasy pill circulating in NSW
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