Unions call for 10-day paid reproductive leave for all workers

Union leaders are campaigning for the federal government to introduce 10 days of paid reproductive leave for all workers per year.

The leave would allow workers to take time off work for IVF treatment, issues relating to menopause or post-vasectomy recovery.

The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) will call on the government to add the reproductive leave entitlements to the National Employment Standards at its annual congress in Adelaide this week.

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ACTU President Michele O'Neil says it's time the government introduces reproductive leave.

The move comes after the Queensland government announced last month it would introduce 10 days of reproductive leave for all its public servants. 

Union bargaining has also led to some workers in specific industries, such as healthcare, finance, education and the community sector, gaining access to reproductive leave.

"Reproductive health can impact all workers and will affect most workers at some stage in their life," ACTU president Michele O'Neil said.

"Too many workers have been penalised or forced to bow out of employment because of reproductive health issues."

The ACTU is calling for a flexible type of reproductive leave to help women meet their health needs in different life stages.

This could include leave for health conditions such as endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome.

It could also be accessed to return to work post-childbirth.

Under the proposal, men would also be able to access the leave for fertility treatment, prostate screening, as well as time to undertake and recover from a vasectomy.

However, the Albanese government has signalled it may not support the union push for reproductive leave.

"ACTU policy and ALP policy have always been different," a spokesperson for Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke said.

"The major changes we intend to make are already law and making a difference with more secure jobs and better pay.

"We have fixed the bargaining system, criminalised wage theft, started closing the gender pay gap, given minimum standards to gig workers, closed the labour hire loophole and given more rights to casual workers."

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Unions call for 10-day paid reproductive leave for all workers
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