Australians reveal what they consider a 'good' salary

New research has shown what Australians now believe is a decent wage, but the amount varies considerably between generations.

On average, Australians consider a 'good' base salary to be around $152,775 per year, according to a survey of just over 1000 respondents by comparison website Finder.

Younger Australians have significantly higher salary expectations than other age groups. 

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Gen Z consider a 'good' salary to be $177,212 - around $50,000 more than Baby Boomers would be satisfied with at $126,938.

According to the ABS, the average annual salary for full-time workers is a little over $100,000, which is 14 percent more than the median salary for full-time workers at just over $88,000.

Sarah Megginson, personal finance expert at Finder, said the cost of living has redefined what Australians consider to be a good salary.

"A $100,000 salary, once a benchmark for comfortable living, now often feels more like a necessary starting point, especially in major cities.

"Persistent inflation and a dramatic surge in property prices have reshaped perceptions and many people now feel that a low six-figure income no longer provides the same level of financial stability it once did.

"A pay packet of $130,000 might represent significant financial comfort in some areas, whilst barely covering essential expenses in others. 

Salary expectations are also highly variable according to location.

People in New South Wales have the highest salary expectations, deeming $168,160 a 'good' income, while those in South Australia have the lowest, at $140,334. 

Queenslanders expect $148,779, compared to Victorians at $148,308, and $147,408 for Western Australians.

The survey also asked Australians how much they considered they needed to "live comfortably" as opposed to making a "good" salary. 

Again there was a big difference between the generations.

Gen Z said they would need the highest annual income on average to be comfortable, $198,808, followed by Millennials at $176,150. This was compared to Baby Boomers at $106,747 and Gen X $161,231.

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Australians reveal what they consider a 'good' salary
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