'I couldn't believe it': Sydney renter blindsided by real estate ad

Just days after Sydney IT professional Ankit Mehta was forced to vacate the rental unit he and his wife were living in, he says he was blindsided by a real estate advertisement that left him stunned and angry.

With a nationwide rental squeeze deepening, Mehta and his wife were bracing for a hike to their rent when their yearly lease came to an end last month.

So, when they were told the weekly rent on their one-bedroom unit - in the north-west suburb of Epping - was going up by $75 to $500, they decided to cop it on the chin.

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A view from the balcony in the Epping apartment Ankit Mehta and his wife were renting.

"I asked the real estate agent, 'Would it be possible to negotiate?' and she said 'No'," Mehta told 9news.com.au.

"So we decided to stay. We didn't want to get into the chaos of finding a new place to rent, considering the situation right now.

"The price of moving adds up too, as there are a lot of expenses.

"I did ask if she could organise pest control in the apartment as we were signing a new lease and she refused, saying it was the tenant's responsibility. I said, 'OK, I will organise it'."

To Mehta's surprise, he received an email from the agent a few days later, not with a new rental agreement to sign, but a 30-day termination notice.

An email sent to Ankit Mehta, informing him that he and his wife would need to move out.

The email, seen by 9news.com.au, informed Mehta they would need to move out because the landlord's parents were coming to Australia to live, having obtained a visa, and they needed the property.

What followed was a frantic month of desperately searching for a new place to live, Mehta said.

"My wife and I had to plan in such a way that we both had to inspect properties separately and in different suburbs," he said.

"I must have inspected 60 properties and applied for 15 of them," he said.

Eventually, with just three days to spare, Mehta and his wife managed to find a new rental to live in.

Then, the day after moving out, Mehta said his wife noticed a real estate advertisement pop up online.

To their shock, it was for the same property they had just moved out of, and it was asking for $575 rent a week - a 35 per cent increase on what they had been paying.

A cached version of the real estate advertisement, which has since been taken down.

"I couldn't believe it. How did it go from $425 to $575 a week? It's just (a) one bedder, it's not even a two-bedroom apartment," Mehta said.

Mehta said he felt like landlords and real estate agents were taking advantage of desperate tenants.

"It's absolutely a shocker. In this situation, they're just getting as much as they want because there is a shortage of housing, they're using it as a weapon," he said.

"There has to be an upper limit somewhere.

"Interest rates are increasing, but how do you justify a more than 30 per cent increase?"

What are the laws for rent increases in NSW?

Laws relating to rental increases in NSW vary, depending on whether you have a fixed-term lease, a rolling lease or no lease at all.

If your lease has ended, landlords can give you a notice to increase the rent by any amount they like.

Tenants who feel a hike is excessive are able to lodge an objection with the NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal. 

However, the onus is on the tenant to prove the increase is out of step with market conditions.

It's because of this that the excessive rent increase provisions are little used, representing just two per cent of applications to the tribunal's tenancy division, the NSW Tenants' Union suggests.

For tenants with rolling leases, or an agreement lasting two years or more, landlords can only increase the rent once in 12 months.

If your lease is for less than two years, the rent can only be increased if your agreement sets out the amount of the increase or the method of calculating it.

During Labor's NSW election campaign, soon-to-be premier Chris Minns promised his government would implement several changes to help renters, including establishing a rental commissioner, introducing portable bonds and better regulating rental bidding.

NSW Tenants' Union CEO Leo Patterson Ross said Minns, who was sworn as premier in this week, needed to urgently implement his party's promises.

"We hope the establishment of a rental commissioner, tasked with listening to and advocating for renters, will spark a fresh conversation about regulating rents," Patterson Ross said.

Patterson Ross said NSW could also look to other parts of Australia for inspiration when it came to policies for helping limit excessive rent rises.

"There are a number of models for putting in place fair limits on rent increases that the incoming NSW government should consider – including the ACT model where landlords cannot increase rent by more than 10 per cent above rent CPI without justifying it," he said.

The Greens have been calling on the federal government to introduce a rent freeze, similar to what was in place during the pandemic, saying in December that Australians would have been $10.7 billion better off if rents had been frozen nationwide for the past 12 months.

In a bid to address runaway prices, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk on Tuesday announced rent hikes will be limited to once a year, rather than every six months.

Contact reporter Emily McPherson at emcpherson@nine.com.au.

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'I couldn't believe it': Sydney renter blindsided by real estate ad
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