'Risk of extinction' from AI should be 'top global priority'

Dozens of AI industry leaders, academics and even some celebrities today called for reducing the risk of global annihilation due to artificial intelligence, arguing in a brief statement that the threat of an AI extinction event should be a top global priority.

"Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war," read the statement published by the Centre for AI Safety.

The statement was signed by leading industry officials including OpenAI CEO Sam Altman; the so-called "godfather" of AI, Geoffrey Hinton; top executives and researchers from Google DeepMind and Anthropic; Kevin Scott, Microsoft's chief technology officer; Bruce Schneier, the internet security and cryptography pioneer; climate advocate Bill McKibben; and the musician Grimes, among others.

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Woman types on a laptop

The statement highlights wide-ranging concerns about the ultimate danger of unchecked artificial intelligence.

AI experts have said society is still a long way from developing the kind of artificial general intelligence that is the stuff of science fiction; today's cutting-edge chatbots largely reproduce patterns based on training data they've been fed and do not think for themselves.

Still, the flood of hype and investment into the AI industry has led to calls for regulation at the outset of the AI age, before any major mishaps occur.

The statement follows the viral success of OpenAI's ChatGPT, which has helped heighten an arms race in the tech industry over artificial intelligence.

In response, a growing number of politicians, advocacy groups and tech insiders have raised alarms about the potential for a new crop of AI-powered chatbots to spread misinformation and displace jobs.

Hinton, whose pioneering work helped shape today's AI systems, has said he decided to leave his role at Google and "blow the whistle" on the technology after "suddenly" realising "that these things are getting smarter than us."

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Dan Hendrycks, director of the Centre for AI Safety, said in a tweet today that the statement first proposed by David Krueger, an AI professor at the University of Cambridge, does not preclude society from addressing other types of AI risk, such as algorithmic bias or misinformation.

Hendrycks compared the statement to warnings by atomic scientists "issuing warnings about the very technologies they've created."


"Societies can manage multiple risks at once; it's not 'either/or' but 'yes/and,'" Hendrycks tweeted.

"From a risk management perspective, just as it would be reckless to exclusively prioritise present harms, it would also be reckless to ignore them as well."

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'Risk of extinction' from AI should be 'top global priority'
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