Why cheese could be your ticket to a happy old age

Mental health is important for healthy ageing - which apparently means it's time to eat some cheese.

A study published by Chinese researchers today in Nature Human Behaviour underlined a number of factors that contribute to somebody's mental well-being into old age.

Income, education, and occupation were all associated with better mental health, particularly increased income.

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But other factors such as reducing TV-watching and other sedentary pastimes, cutting smoking, and increasing how much cheese and fruit one eats, also had a powerful impact.

However, as always, it's recommended people consult with their doctor before making any significant dietary decisions.

The researchers stressed that better mental well-being was vitally associated with healthier ageing.

Previous observational studies have suggested a link between positive mental health and enhanced ageing processes, including a reduced propensity for disease and increased lifespan.

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In an analysis of datasets with a maximum of 2.3 million people, researchers in the current study found that people with better mental well-being displayed improved resilience, higher self-rated health, and longevity, as they aged.

"The findings highlight the importance of integrating mental health support into public health policies and ageing research," the authors said in a release.

They said interventions aimed at improving mental well-being could be a viable strategy to enhance healthy ageing across populations.

However, the study only used data from people of European descent, meaning there is a need for further validation of these findings across more diverse ethnic groups.

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Why cheese could be your ticket to a happy old age
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