Caged egg ban will see prices rise, farmers warn

Shoppers will be paying more for eggs under new poultry standards that will see cage farming banned in Australia, farmers warn.

The government's new framework for chicken farming will force producers to completely abandon cages by 2036, which critics say is too short a time frame for farmers to cost-effectively upgrade their operations.

Peak body Egg Farmers of Australia said cage farming should be permitted to continue a further 10 years, until 2046.

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Dozen eggs egg carton farm chickens boiled eggs

"It's 10 years too early and could drive many family egg farmers to the wall," CEO Melinda Hashimoto said.

"This is because bank loans can spread over 30 years for existing cages and equipment. Farmers now don't have time to pay-off that debt before they must dump their cages."

According to Egg Farmers of Australia, caged eggs make up half the country's total egg production currently.

Hashimoto warned the move would contribute to a shortage of eggs in Australia in the future.

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"According to the CSIRO, 40 per cent of egg sales in Australian supermarkets were caged eggs," she said.

"Without them, Australian families would face less choice, a shortage of eggs and higher egg prices."

And, she said, caged eggs had the lowest carbon footprint of any variety.

Animal rights activists claim the use of cages for laying hens constitutes cruelty.

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Under the new regulations, cages will have to include nest areas and perches for the birds.

Adding to the confusion over the issue is that under current Australian government regulations, "free-range" eggs can be produced from hens packed in to the tune of 10,000 to a hectare - or one hen per square metre.

The CSIRO, on the other hand, puts forward a model code that limits the definition of "free-range" to 1500 hens per hectare. allows consumers to check which brands meet which definition of free-range online.

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Caged egg ban will see prices rise, farmers warn
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